Superiors: The Mao

The Mao is concerned first and foremost with maintaining his/her position, and with the politics of senior management. Usually a skilful negotiator and office-politician, and definitely (a trait shared with the Hitler) a divide-and-conquer practitioner. Points to note:

a) you are simply irrelevant as far as the Mao is concerned. You are too junior to represent a threat, and therefore too junior to represent anything. Don’t speak unless spoken to, remain deferential, stick to the party line

b) the Mao will be focussed on two areas: his/her pet projects, and avoiding high-profile mistakes. Pet projects will be those which carry cachet at senior management level – so you need to know which these are. Find out now! High-profile mistakes are those which will have to be formally reported and so cannot be covered up. If they leak out, the Mao will want a scapegoat. The Mao will need to be seen to have “done something to stop this happening again”. This is something of a lottery. Make sure you didn’t make the mistake. Consider the usefulness of ensuring that your Boss did. Think very carefully before acting. The Mao is not interested in the truth, only in protecting his/her situation.

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