Superiors: The Hitler

At the opposite end of the spectrum from the Reagan, the Hitler simply cannot resist demonstrating his/her superior knowledge of every aspect of detail. Often fickle, so that policy consists of whatever the Hitler is thinking today. Points to note:

a) do not try to argue with the Hitler. He/she is right anyway. Fortunately, the Hitler will move on tomorrow to be interested in another area, and forget whatever he/she said today. Occasionally a little more organised, and therefore with some slight danger of following up. Agree with your Boss a line to take with, or brief memo recording your response to, instructions from the Hitler, just in case of the follow-up question.

b) your Boss will be fairly terrified of the Hitler, and either fawning or anxious for its attentions to move elsewhere. You can use this to your advantage with care, by reminding your boss occasionally of the Hitler’s interest in your own pet area, if you are fortunate enough for this to be demonstrated

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