How your Boss talks to his/her Superior: #6 - The Agent-on-Earth

Sometimes your boss will quite clearly be a Loyalist of the Superior, charged with finding out what is actually going on. This is particularly likely if the Superior is a Thatcher or Mao. It is also possible with Saddams, in which case you are safe enough if the Agent-on-Earth is your direct boss, but be very careful otherwise not go give any information away.

Their mission on earth is not to achieve anything, but to try and find out what is actually going on: always a serious problem for Superiors (because no one ever wants to tell them anything bad). In the presence of the Superior, the Agent-on-Earth will often be the minute-taker of the meeting, or the guy who prepared the agenda, or worst-of-all, the guy passing notes and periodically taking the lead in questioning. Look out for situations where this has clearly been set up in advance.

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