An outstanding organiser, the Saddam has a clear agenda. This agenda consists of two items at all times: “Point 1: the Saddam; Point 2: Any Other Business”. You are either for the Saddam or against. If you are against, you should leave now. If you are for, your role will be clearly defined and you should not try to step outside it. Points to note:
a) the Saddam frequently checks loyalty. Make sure you are. Consider if your Boss is. Can you influence this? Remember that if your boss is not, you may be guilty by association. Or you might get their job. A dilemma.
b) do not step outside your allotted place. If you are privately against the Saddam, keep this well hidden, and bide your time. Toe the party line, spout the party policy in public
c) a standard Saddam practice is to ensure that his/her immediate reports are completely bound into the Saddam’s agenda (in the historical case in Iraq, by getting each of them to shoot a “traitor” or two). Find out how the Saddam has bound in your own boss. It will normally involve some sort of rule or convention breaking (e.g. a “local” expenses policy). The information is useless now, but if the Saddam is replaced later, it will certainly come in handy.
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